Match scheduled:
Last updated: 12-12-2009
Start: 19:30GMT;
PostFinance Arena, Berne, Switzerland
- Vitali Klitschko (Ukraine) vs. Kevin Johnson (USA) :: The battle for the title of world champion in the heavyweight version of WBC :: Live broadcast from Bern, Switzerland
Most likely the fight starts somewhere near 10pm UK / 23:00CET / 4pm EST |
- Vitali Klitschko v Kevin Johnson at the PostFinance Arena, Switzerland, for the WBC heavyweight title. Johnson has yet to lose a professional bout and this is his first title opportunity. | Also today the following fights;
- Alexander Ustinov vs. Monte Barrett, 12 rounds, heavyweights;
- Johnathon Banks vs. Marcel Zeller, 8 rounds, heavyweights;
- Nuri Seferi vs. Joseph Marwa, 6 rounds, cruiserweights;
- Gabor Veto vs. Obote Ameme, 4 rounds, lightweights;
- Nenad Borovcanin vs. Sven Hasselhuhn, 6 rounds, cruiserweights;
- Adnan Buharalia vs. Andreas Gunter, 4 or 6 rounds, heavyweights.